My dear diary.

I kept a diary sporadically, from when I was 10 to 19. I totally forgot about it and left it my bedroom in my mom's appt back home. About six month's ago she moved house, found my diary and read it. She then called me to tell me that she had found and read it, couldn't believe I had never told her i'd kept one and then started crying because of all the things that happened to me that she never knew about. So, I decided that all in all, leaving a paper trail lying around your moms house with your deepest darkest secrets on was never the best idea.
Instead this is my solution, its secret and I can say whatever the hell I like without fear of being judged, or more specifically, my mum reading it.

Thursday, 16 September 2010


I don't know where I picked up this informationg, but somebody once told me that not many people remember their dreams, yet people who had creative minds did. I almost always remember my dreams, they are so real sometimes it scares me....
I normally have three types of dreams, firstly I will re-dream my day for example....or re-dream a situation that happened. So I may have gone shopping, chatted to friend...gone home and went to my dream it will be the exact same sequence of events except a vital detail changes, like I have an argument with someone or I lose something or I didn't do something that in real life I did. I wake up in a panic and often it takes me several minutes to determine the truth from reality.
The second type of dream I have are my crazy dreams. Completely unrealistic chains of events, if i have a guilty conscience woa do I pay for it in my dreams for example. My boyfriend says that my dreams are so mad I should write them down......and now I have a blog I think I will.
The third and worst are my nightmares, horrific and terrifying things happen to me and people around me in those dreams and more often than not I wake up crying....sobbing to myself.
Is this normal.....??? Just down to over reactive imagination or something different?
For years people have believed in the importance of dreams, I wonder how they would read mine.

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